Legal Tips For Dealing With The Insurance Company During A Personal Injury Claim
Posted on: 15 December 2015
Insurance companies will try to settle with you quickly if you have a personal injury claim. This is generally true regardless of the type of accident, whether it was at a business, in a public area, or with a vehicle. The following tips can help you avoid common mistakes that are made when dealing with insurance companies.
Tip #1: Speak Cautiously
The general rule is to tell the insurance company as little as possible so that you don't accidentally make it look like you may have some responsibility for the accident. This doesn't mean yous should withhold information, but you do want to avoid admitting any type of fault. It's important that you are polite but cautious. Also, keep in mind that it's not just what you say directly to the insurance company that can affect your claim. Avoid posting about your case on social media and avoid posting anything that may reflect poorly on your claim. For example, uploading pictures of a night at the clubs may be used against you if you are claiming a back injury.
Tip #2: Always Know Where You Stand
Keep all records of expenditures and bills that relate to your injury close at hand and know the basic figure that you have already spent and an estimate of what you will likely spend over the full length of your recovery. Some insurance companies may try to impress you with what on the surface appears to be a large settlement to try and get you to settle for an amount that is less than what you deserve. By knowing offhand how much your injury is set to cost you in the long run, you are less likely to be caught off guard or impressed by an insufficient settlement.
Tip #3: Be Careful What You Sign
It can be surprisingly easy to sign away the right to claim more for injuries without realizing it. Make sure to read through any forms handed to you both immediately following the accident, or any forms regarding your claim that come in later. If you don't understand the legalese or if you are unsure how the form may affect your claim, decline signing it right away. Do not depend upon the insurance representative's over-simplification of an explanation, since it may gloss over important parts. It's vital that you only place your signature on forms that you thoroughly understand.
For more information, contact a personal injury lawyer in your area, such as Connor Law. They can give you a second opinion on any doubts you might have.