Don't Understand What Your Lawyer Is Doing? Take These Measures To Remedy The Situation

Posted on: 27 July 2016

In most cases, hiring a lawyer is the best way to resolve a legal dispute. However, once the lawyer starts working on your case, it's possible that you might be concerned with some of its (the case's) aspects or progress. For example, you may think that the case is moving slowly, you are losing the case, or the costs are escalating. Whether or not these are mere perceptions or realities, it's important to get to the route of the problem. Here are a few steps to take to help you do just that:

Voice Your Concerns

In most of these cases, voicing your concern to the lawyer will yield a satisfactory explanation. You can write a letter, call, write an email or make a physical visit to your lawyer; it all depends on the mode of communication you had agreed upon. For example, if a personal injury litigation case seems to be taking longer than anticipated, it might be that the opposing party has filed numerous pretrial motions that are delaying the case. Ideally, the lawyer should explain the cause of the problem plus the strategies they are using to solve it.

Educate Yourself

In as much as your lawyer will be doing most of the legal work on your behalf, it also helps to educate yourself about your case. That might help you, say, avoid getting concerned over something neither you nor your lawyer has control over. For example, if your lawyer is handling your divorce, and the child lives with the other parent in a different state, you may be disappointed in your lawyer for not getting the court to issue a judgment on custody too. Yet, that may be the case if your state's laws state that the state where the child has been living in the recent past has jurisdiction over their custody; California is an example of a state with such a law.

Most probably, your lawyer will explain this to you. You can also head down to your local library or browse online resources on the laws you are interested in.

Scrutinize Your File

Another option is to request your lawyer give you your case file so that you can scrutinize the progress of your case. The case file contains all the documents and evidence relating to your case. This includes court filings, discovery details, and correspondences relating to your case, among other things. Reading the case file will give you an insightful overview of your case plus all the work your lawyer has done.

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