About Getting Your Foreign Spouse a Visa to the US

Posted on: 12 January 2017

Have you and your foreign spouse decided that living in the United States is a good idea? If you are now ready to relocate from the foreign country with your spouse, there is an immigration process that you must undergo first. Your spouse must be issued a visa that allows him or her to live with you in the US as a permanent resident. However, obtaining the visa can be difficult to accomplish without the help of an immigration lawyer. This article covers a few of the things that might be involved in the legal process of your spouse relocating to the US.

1. The History You Have with Your Spouse Must Be Discussed

You must understand that the history of your relationship will play a big role in whether or not your spouse is issued a visa to enter the US. For example, you must be able to prove that the relationship is not fraudulent, such as that you are being paid to pretend to want marriage. If you are actually on the rental agreement with your spouse in the foreign country, this can act as evidence that the relationship is not bogus. A shared bank account is one of the other types of evidence that can confirm a bona fide relationship with a foreign spouse. Phone, text, and email records that show the history of your communication with your spouse are also common types of evidence that might be accepted.

2. You Must Be Able to Financially Sponsor Your Spouse

One of the important aspects of your spouse getting a visa is for you to be financially stable enough to sponsor him or her. You must be able to prove that you can financially support your spouse so he or she will not become a burden in the US. Basically, you must meet the federal-income poverty levels in your state, such as not be considered as living on a low income. You will have to make a certain percentage over the poverty levels based on the number of dependents in your household. However, if you don't meet the requirements, a co-sponsor can be used for getting your spouse's visa approved.

3. Documents Must Be Filled Out with No Missing Information

There will be numerous immigration documents to fill out to apply for your spouse's visa. A simple mistake on the documents can lead to the visa being denied. The smartest way to fill out the documents is with the assistance of an immigration lawyer. He or she will make sure there is no mandatory information left out.
