Legal Advice For Car Accident Victims Who Are Still Sitting On The Fence
Posted on:
17 December 2018
Being in a car accident tends to leave you with lots of questions. You are probably also a little wary about pursuing any legal action because you are just not that certain about what happened to you and whether or not a lawsuit is the right course of action. You can get some free legal advice from an auto accident attorney, but you have as of yet to pick up the phone to call an attorney.
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Worker's Comp: How Long And How Much?
Posted on:
12 November 2018
There are usually two main questions/issues that need to be resolved when you are seeking worker's compensation. They are, "How long will I need to be on worker's comp?" and "How much worker's comp should I be getting?" When you consult with a worker's comp attorney, he or she will tell you, based on your individual circumstances, what and how much compensation you are entitled to. The following will try to answer your questions in a way that provides you with a little insight to your problem.
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Three Smart Alternatives To Brake Checking
Posted on:
2 October 2018
When you see a motorist driving just feet from your rear bumper, it can often be infuriating. You won't appreciate that the driver is seeming to not care about traffic safety, and you may worry about him or her crashing into you. A lot of motorists in your position respond to this situation with something called brake checking — slamming on the brakes to scare the driver who is following too closely.
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Divorce Attorney Advice For Dealing With An Angry Ex-Spouse
Posted on:
31 August 2018
Divorce is a traumatizing process that nobody wants to experience. But it can get even worse when you are dealing with an angry ex-spouse. An angry ex-spouse can drag you into a courtroom to solve issues that would have been solved through out-of-court negotiations. This signifies the importance of consulting a divorce lawyer whenever you are dealing with an angry ex-spouse. Mostly, the divorce attorney will advise you to observe the following advice:
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