
  • How To Prove That The People Responsible For Your Fall Knew About The Hazard

    Slip and fall accident cases are frustrating for the person who was injured because that person is often depending on the settlement to pay off medical bills caused by the injury. One of the major obstacles to getting the compensation that you need is proving that the people who own the property were actually at fault. This can be achieved in a number of different ways. 1. Getting a Sworn Witness
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  • Child Adoption: How A Lawyer Can Assist If The Birth Parents Are Demanding Custody

    Are you experiencing a lot of stress after adopting a child from someone that is now threatening to take him or her back? As long as you went through the right legal process to adopt your child, a family lawyer should be able to help you fight for your rights against the birth parents. Find out below how a lawyer can help you with your dispute, as well as what you can expect to pay to hire one.
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  • What Should You Do If Your Abuser Has Custody Of Your Kids?

    If you've recently suffered physical or mental abuse at the hands of your ex-spouse, you're probably experiencing a variety of strong emotions. And if this ex-spouse has primary (or even shared) custody of your children, you may be frantically wondering what you can do to protect them from potential abuse, and reluctant to allow them to spend even one more day with your abuser. Fortunately, there are several legal options that can help you obtain primary custody or restrict your ex-spouse's access to your children.
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  • 3 Things That Can Happen As A Result Of A Criminal Traffic Offense

    When most people think of traffic offenses, they think of simply getting a speeding ticket. However, there are more serious traffic offenses that a driver can commit, such as racing another vehicle, leaving the scene of an accident, and driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you have been charged with a criminal traffic offense, you may not know what to expect when you go to court.
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  • Do You Need An Attorney To Help You Apply For Social Security Benefits?

    If you have become disabled and you are not able to work, you need to file a claim for Social Security disability as soon as possible. It can take many months, or even longer, for the approval process to take place. But, before you fill out that application, talk to a Social Security attorney. Many people are denied the benefits that they are entitled to, and in many cases, having legal representation is the only way that some are able to receive their benefits.
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  • Is Uncontested Divorce Right For You?

    Getting divorced is often a needlessly complex and difficult process. It doesn't have to be that way. If you and your spouse can agree to an uncontested divorce, you can save yourself a lot of time, money, heartache, and bad feelings. Why protract an already difficult process when it can be done more easily? What is an Uncontested Divorce? An uncontested divorce is one in which the divorcing spouses come to an agreement on every aspect of their separation.
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  • Marital Debts: How To Divide Them Fairly

    In the event of divorce, many changes will take place regarding the even division of property. Not the least of these concerns is the equitable division of marital debt.  During the course of a marriage, it is likely that certain debts will be accrued over time, whether from taking out loans and mortgages or through other means. Separate debts or those acquired before the marriage, will not be divided. Usually, a fair division of these debts leaves both parties with an equal share of them, but in some cases an unequal division may be considered fairer.
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  • Wrongfully Charged With Selling Alcohol To A Minor: How A Lawyer Can Help

    Are you facing legal trouble after unknowingly selling alcohol to a minor? You will need a lawyer to help you prove your case, as selling alcohol to a minor can lead to spending a lot of time behind bars. In this article, find out how a lawyer can help with a minor in possession (MIP) case. How Can a Lawyer Help When Accused of Selling a Minor Alcohol? The first thing your lawyer will do is gather evidence that proves you had no idea that you were selling alcohol to a minor.
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  • The 5 Stages Of A Personal Injury Trial

    While most personal injury cases are settled outside of the court room, some cases will ultimately make it to the trial phase. If your case is not settled before trial, it is important for you to know what to expect during your personal injury trial with help of personal injury lawyers. Below you will learn more about the five stages that will ultimately result in a jury issuing a verdict in your case.
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  • Preparing For An Adoption

    Adoption is a wonderful way to make a child not biologically related to you part of your family, but it is also a legal matter requiring the family courts to be involved. Adoption can be a challenge, but here are some tips you can use to get yourself ready for the legal issues you will face.  Have a Home Study The first step in the adoption process is completing a home study.
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