Legal Tips For Dealing With The Insurance Company During A Personal Injury Claim
Insurance companies will try to settle with you quickly if you have a personal injury claim. This is generally true regardless of the type of accident, whether it was at a business, in a public area, or with a vehicle. The following tips can help you avoid common mistakes that are made when dealing with insurance companies. Tip #1: Speak Cautiously The general rule is to tell the insurance company as little as possible so that you don't accidentally make it look like you may have some responsibility for the accident.
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Going Through A Divorce? Tips To Help You Get Through It
Going through a divorce is difficult whether it is amicable or not. Going through your divorce alone can make it even more difficult, so you should hire a divorce attorney to handle everything for you. Below are ways an attorney can help you. Avoid the Pitfalls A divorce lawyer will make sure you are not a victim in your divorce. They will help you divide up your assets, and if you have children, can help you set up child support, as well as child custody arrangements.
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Tips for Dealing with Harassment by Debt Collectors
Falling into debt that you can't easily repay can be financially and mentally stressful. As anyone who has ever been in debt knows, debt collection companies can be very aggressive and persistent in their quest to get debts paid. If you feel like you are being harassed by a debt collection company, use the following tips to improve the situation: Know Your Rights Debt collection companies and the practices they employ are regulated by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
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Getting To IEP: When It's Time To Establish An Educational Plan For Your Child
Not all children learn in the same way. While this does not mean every child that learns a little differently will need an Individualized Educational Plan, it's important to know when it's time to push for a plan to be put in place on behalf of your child. If your child is having trouble in school, if they are overly anxious about going to school, or if they have been a significant disruption in the classroom, it's time to sit down with school personnel to discuss your options.
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Separating VA Claim Myth, Rumor And Fact
The Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claim system has a major impact on veterans, especially those with conditions that make day-to-day activities an uphill battle. With performance issues, scandals and confusing requirements, getting a quick approval can be a daunting task. Whether you're on your first claim, considering whether a claim is worth the effort or working on an appeal, a look at a few popular misconceptions and comparing facts about the VA can help you make a more informed decision.
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5 Reasons To Hire A Family Law Attorney
When divorce is happening, it can be a very stressful time for the whole family. Custody, costs, time in court, and confusing rules are all part of this painful process. However, by hiring a specialized attorney, you can save time, heartache, and hassle. Here are 5 reasons to hire a family law attorney: 1. Knowledge of rules There are complicated rules in every jurisdiction for divorce proceedings. If you're not careful, you could slip up and fail to adhere to the necessary requirements.
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Employers of Single Parents: How to Make Sure You Are Not Acting Illegally
Did you know that there is a national holiday designated to single parents? It was set into motion by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 to be on March 21 every year. Single parents are an important part of society. With more and more single men and women raising children on their own, it is important that you know how to deal with single parents at your business to avoid unnecessary legal troubles.
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Why You Must Write A Spoliation Letter After A Truck Accident
When you have become the victim of a car accident caused by a semi-truck, you will need to gather enough evidence to demonstrate that the trucking company was responsible for the accident. This will be the difference between a smaller and much larger settlement. Unfortunately, some companies will try to destroy evidence, so you will need to send a spoliation letter. What is a Spoliation Letter? A spoliation letter is used to let the trucking company know that you have a claim against them.
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Understanding The Three Elements Of Negligent Hiring
An employer who hires an unfit employee can be held responsible for injuries and damages caused by the unfit employee. This is based on the principle of negligent hiring. If you are injured by such an employee, then there are three elements that you need to prove to hold his or her employer responsible for negligent hiring: Employee Is Unfit For the Employment This means the employee is unfit for the particular job he or she was hired to do.
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How To Know Whether You Need A Motorcycle Accident Attorney
If you have always been someone that thought you would be the last to sue anyone, you might not automatically assume that you need an attorney after a motorcycle accident. However, there might come a time when you really do need to seek outside legal help, even if you don't like the idea of turning your situation into a court case. Simply take a few moments of your time in order to determine whether you should hire an attorney for your personal situation.
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