When It's Time For Bankruptcy: What To Do About Student Loan Debt
Financial troubles can mean bankruptcy when debts loom large with no way to pay them. Not all debts can be included in a Chapter 7 filing, though. Financial obligations like taxes, child support, and student loans are among the most common debts that filers want to have included in their bankruptcy, but cannot. In some cases, you can have your student loan debt dismissed if you meet the strict standards. Read on to find out more.
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How You Might Be Blamed For Your Motorcycle Accident
If you are involved in an accident on a motorcycle, and the other driver is negligent, you might assume that the other driver will be held responsible for your injuries. However, if you don't take safety precautions, you may be held partially at fault for your injuries. You'll need to know what safety precautions you may be expected to follow before fighting your case with a motorcycle accident lawyer. Helmet Requirements
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3 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Settling Car Accident Cases
Car accidents can set your life back greatly. The damage to your car and injuries will have you paying bills for months. If the accident results in a disability, it will compromise your future abilities to earn and even diminish your life quality. If you were hurt in an accident, it is advisable to hire a car accident lawyer to help you settle the case with the insurer. The mistake that most people make is assuming that the case will be easy to settle as long as they are not at fault.
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Insult And Injury: What To Know About Criminal Vs. Civil Cases
What might at first seem like a typical car accident case could be far more complex than you thought. If the driver that caused your accident broke the law in some way at the same time, your chances for compensation might be stronger. Read on for a quick and easy explanation of the way criminal charges and civil personal injury cases can intersect. Accidents Happen Almost all of the time, an accident is just that – an accident.
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Yes, You Have A Right To Workers' Compensation When You Work For Family
When your family member asked you to work for their business, you said yes without hesitation. After all, family members are understanding, fair, and trustworthy, so there is no need to worry, right? Unfortunately, if you were injured while on the job, you may have learned rather quickly that family is family, but business is something entirely different. Family or not, it might be the right time to speak with a workers' compensation attorney.
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Is It Time To Accept An Injury Settlement?
One of the biggest challenges a personal injury attorney and a client will face is determining when it's time to accept a settlement. This isn't an easy question to address, and it's important to look at the problem from several angles. Here are three things a personal injury lawyer will want to consider. Are All of Your Injuries Known? By far the scariest possibility in accepting a settlement is the chance that an undiscovered injury will appear after you've taken the money.
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Why Would A Creditor Try To Force You Into Bankruptcy?
One of the seemingly craziest ideas in the world of bankruptcy is the notion that a creditor may be able to force a debtor into filing. This is the sort of thing that will rightly have you contacting a bankruptcy lawyer and asking for a consultation. You'd probably like a few answers before you sit down with a bankruptcy attorney so let's take a look at how this process might work.
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Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? What You Need to Know
If your financial situation has resulted in declaring bankruptcy, you likely have several questions about how the process will work. Here are some things you need to know about bankruptcy. Will All Debts Be Discharged with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? The goal of Chapter 7 bankruptcy is to quickly discharge your debts so that you can get a fresh start with your finances. Many of your unsecured debts will be completely discharged so that you do not have to pay them back.
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Why You Need A Healthcare Attorney To Talk To The Insurance Company For You
Whether you were injured on the job or through the negligence of a medical professional, you may be currently seeking a payout for your medical expenses through one avenue or another. In order to get the money you deserve, you may be required to talk to an insurance company. This could be your own insurance company or it could be the insurance company that backs the firm you work or perhaps the insurer for the other party responsible for your injury.
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3 Things To Know When Facing Criminal Charges
Are you currently looking for a criminal lawyer to hire to help you with the criminal charges you have pending against you? If so, you should find one soon so you can begin working on the details of your case. If this is your first charge, you might have questions about it and about what to do, and here are three vital things you should know and understand if you are in this position.
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